What is Air pollution struction and harmful ?

Air pollution struction

Air pollutants include smoke, steam, charred paper (CharredPaper), Dust, Soot, Grime, CarbonFumes, gas, Mist, Order, granular ParticulateMatter, Radioactive Materials, toxic chemicals (NoxiousChemicals), or other outdoor atmosphere.
Harmful for air pollution
The harm of air pollution to human health includes both acute and chronic. When a person is exposed to high concentrations of pollutant air for a period of time, it will immediately cause poisoning or other symptoms, which is an acute hazard.
Chronic hazard
The mountain fire caused serious pollution of the atmosphere
It is a long-term exposure of people in the air of low-concentration pollutants, and the cumulative effect of pollutant harm causes people to develop symptoms.
The Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) is an indicator determined by the US Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies to determine the degree of air pollution from 0 to 500. The relationship between this indicator value and health impact is divided into the following five levels:
Index value
0~50 Health Effects: Good
51~100 (Good) Medium
101~199 (Moderate) : Bad
200~299 (Unhealthy) : Extremely bad
300~350 (Very Unhealthy): Harmful
350~500(Hazardous): Danger

Olansi air purifier solve a lot of problem for air pollution in room, office, hotel air purification. And make OEM and ODM Air purifier  in Poland, Czech Republic, China, Mongolia, India, USA, Japan, Korea. etc.

More details pls contact olansigroup.com



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